Saints On The Street

Do you think the homeless are failures? God (Cosmic Intelligence) disagrees and here’s why…

When we drive past a mansion with expensive vehicles outside we might think: “wow, that person has got it together and is really successful.” Is this the truth in the eyes of God? Success is not about how much money we have in our bank accounts, or whether we have a roof over our heads. When we walk past a homeless person with rotten feet, torn clothes and a stench, a thought might pop in: “how sad, that person failed at life and needs to get their S@#t together.” Is this the truth? 

Now, just for fun, imagine you have two lives: In the first one you’re the president of the United States and making ‘very important decisions.’ You dress incredibly well, dine in the best restaurants, meet other ‘important’ people and are famous worldwide; in the second you’re born into a broken family unit that physically abuses you, so you run away, end up on the streets and die a horrible death. Now ask this profound question: which life was the most evolutionary? Now, imagine arriving at the gates of heaven for your life review…

First up, THE PRESIDENT and God says:

“hmm…dear son of mine, your soul has had very little growth. The kingdom of heaven lay within you, but you were too distracted by wealth, status, power and that hot secretary I sent to tempt you. I sentence you to come back as a newt in a stagnant pond”.

Second up, the homeless person and God says:

“Congratulations son, through living your difficult life you transmuted an infinite amount of collective hopelessness, anger, despair, loss and confusion. You even lost your mind! bonus points for that. People stuck in the mind and ego come back as newts…”

What if the downtrodden, homeless “wastes of space” that need removing, are of divine service to all of humanity? What if, through hitting rock bottom these souls have no choice but to transcend their minds and bodies - and in the painful process of doing so - create an expansion in consciousness?

Some souls come into the world to experience deep trauma in order to transmute the emotions associated with it. They reflect the suffering in society through becoming living examples and mirrors to our collective pain and issues. They selflessly do this not only for their own growth, but for the growth of all mankind. In a tantric process they take the dirt and turn it into diamonds; how? through not running away from it, but sitting in it, feeling it’s pressure and transmuting it. They have no choice but to extricate themselves out of their painful story and negative thinking or let nature remove their sanity. When you see a homeless person who is speaking nonsensically and who has ‘lost their mind’ that’s quite an accomplishment. Most of us are stuck in our minds until we drop our bodies in our comfy beds. 

The homeless are the spiritual rockstars, they are the gladiators in the ring getting covered in blood and sweat! They take the bull by the horns and take one for the team. Nothing is good or bad, thinking makes it so, and our thinking around the homeless can change. Why not put a homeless man on a pedestal instead of Jay Z? The infatuation with a one-dimensional version of celebrity lacks deep understanding of cosmic intelligence and how it works. The homeless rise up in our estimation when we understand how interconnected we all are, and how everyone is of service in unique ways. 

One day I met a real rockstar! I remember driving my car in Los Angeles and a homeless afro-american man about 70-years-old was crossing the street at a snail's pace while drivers were angrily honking at him. He was ill and dying. He had sores all over his body and my intuition informed me he had probably spent over 40 years without a home. Sensing it was his last day, I got out of the car and sat down with him on the curb. He was utterly exhausted. I gave him a flask of tea….he looked up at me as if I just gave him a pot of gold! He looked deep into my eyes and said: '“you’re an angel”…but HE was the angel. I cannot imagine all that he must have endured. Whatever he had seen, he had transmuted into grace as his gentle, loving ,soft presence moved me to tears. He was a true Master, a Maha Sidha on the streets.  If I was in his position I doubt I would have had the strength to survive. A spiritual superhero, throughout his life he learned how to dissolve an ocean of darkness.

The homeless have time to sit with their emotions and be with grief; to go deep enough into darkness that they finally see the light. To extricate themselves out of their minds, for if they don’t God, through his grace, will remove their sanity and save their soul. The Buddha left his grand palace and joined the homeless on the streets. Emaciated, downtrodden and ravaged by negative thoughts he finally sat under the Bodhi tree and the rest is history. Buddha is The Homeless, and look at the ripple effects of that one man. Every single homeless person is a mini incarnation of Buddha. Instead of buying a Buddha statue go place flowers and fruit at the swollen, sun burnt feet of the homeless.

In summary, life is never as it appears to be, and if you ever feel like you are a failure, don’t believe your mind. You are not your thoughts, you are beyond the mind and disintegrating body. This does not mean we don’t take the necessary steps to improve our lives, or that a comfortable life cannot lead to enlightenment. But,  if all our attempts at creating a better life fail, know EVERYTHING can be useful, even what appears to the mind as disgusting, embarrassing or bad. Life is unpredictable, unfathomable and indescribable. When we zoom out there is a tantric beauty woven into creation where darkness ALWAYS and inevitably turns into light.